[#小町戯言シリーズ] 6/15~6/23 Tweet Summary.
1.CometLake/IceLake/LakeField Info. 適当にまとめておきました。気になる人は見てね。 https://t.co/HdLz0aCQEv — 比屋定さんの戯れ言@Komachi (@KOMACHI_ENSAKA) 2019年6月16日 There are three versions of CML-U. V0 / S0 / K0 exists, but V0 is the same as the current WHL-U. Also, the difference between S0 and K0 is whether it is a 4 + 2 die or a 6 + 2 die. *Con WHL-U = V0 & W0 Stepping (V0 Stepping adds hardware level vulnerability measures to V2/V3/V4/L1TF/MFBDS/MSBDS/MLPDS/MDSUM) CML-U = K0 (6+2) & V0/S0 (4+2) CML-H/S = P0 (10+2 or 6+2) & G0 (10+2 or 6+2). LKF GT1 = 8×8 (64EU / 512SP). 2.AMD Navi 10 RDNA vs AMD Vega 10 GCN. "Navi 10 with 40 CU" and "Vega 10 with 40 CU" comparison is not for performance comparison but for power comparison. https://t.co/Vql7RHE7Po — 比屋定さんの戯れ言@Komachi (@KOMACHI_ENSAKA) 2019年6月17日 AMD seems to use "40 CU enabled Navi 10" and "40 CU enabled Vega 10" for power efficiency comparison of RDNA μArch and GCN μArch...